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The Brian Auger tapes

This is a selection of tracks, the first two are on a 15ips large reel of long play tape and Phil tells me they were produced by Georgio Gomelsky at Advision Studios with Phil as the recording engineer. The tracks were on the 1974 album "Definitely What".

The third (mono) and fourth (stereo) tracks are unknown. They come from a 7.5ips small reel and were recorded at Advision. Producer & dates are as yet unknown.

And they had dynamic range in those days.

Reel 18 tk1A Day in the Life4:54s
Reel 18 tk3Tropic of Capricorn5:30s
Reel 37 tk4unknown title5:36s
Reel 37 tk5unknown title4:54s

The complete duration of each track is shown, however all playable samples have been edited to 30 seconds in length.